Parents please note. . . Babies/Toddlers are not to be left unattended & staff are unable to be responsible for your child whilst you are having your new body piercing or jewellery changed. They cannot wait in the piercing room whilst you have the procedure for obvious reasons. If you need to bring your children to the studio then please make sure they are old enough to happily sit quietly & wait for you but with babies /toddlers you must have someone to watch them.
As yet, there are no legal limits on body piercing.
The following age limits apply solely to our studio.
Genital Piercing minimum age - 18 years
Nipple Piercing - 18 years
Ear Piercing - 10 years
If you are 16 years old or over you must show us photo ID
If you are under 16 (or have no photo ID) you must have your own parent with you & have an adult to accompany you in the piercing room, or we will leave door ajar if parents prefer to sit & wait outside the piercing room.
Please note, we do not accept Sisters, Aunties, etc or other extended family as ‘Parental’ consent. It must be your own parent/step parent or your official legal guardian.* This is to protect ourselves & parents from piercings being performed without parental consent.
Under 13’s can only have ear lobes pierced.
(We do not offer cartilage or any other piercings under 13).
*In circumstances where the parent is unable to be present & to give consent then proof of legal guardianship & photo ID WILL be required.
We DO NOT pierce babies ears.
Ear piercing starts from 10 years old.
We have one piercer which pierces the ears one ear at a time, individually, one ear straight after the other. We no longer offer simultaneous piercing.
Our lowest age limit for piercing earlobes is now 10 years old. We use our discretion as to how comfortable children of this age are upon entering the studio & ask them if they are happy to have their ears pierced. If they are happy - then we are happy to proceed (however, this does not mean that we will pierce ears under the age of 10).
In our experience, this is a good age for children to know what is going on & feel happy with the piercing procedure. YOUNGER children do not have such a firm grasp of the situation & it can also be quite difficult with communication, for example to get them to hold their head up & sit up straight, still, etc.
The main reason we upped the age is that we found even though we advise (& give a leaflet) on where the earring back should be positioned, the earring backs would still be squeezed on so tight that the earring becomes embedded inside of the ear, causing swelling. This happens with all ages (it’s less severe the higher the age) but we find this happened on a very regular basis with children under 10. When we gently tried to help remove the embedded earring, children would become quite upset (which is completely understandable). When they wouldn’t let us remove the earring gently, it would result in a trip to a&e to have it medically removed, which is not a pleasant experience for them.
We upped the age limit because we hope this will happen much less with older children.
We also found that since we reopened after the pandemic, children under 10 generally tend to be very nervous about having their ears pierced. This would be even before they entered the studio as they thought it might hurt them— (it doesn’t hurt but they don’t know that). We personally do not feel comfortable seeing children upset post piercing procedure. We want their first visit to our studio to be a happy occasion for them, not an upsetting one. Even 10 year olds can be a bit uncertain so we are trialling this age for the time being.
We hope you can understand :)
Parents. . . For insurance purposes,children are not to be left unattended & staff are unable to be responsible for your child whilst you are having your new body piercing or jewellery changed. They cannot wait in the piercing room whilst you have the procedure done for obvious reasons. If you need to bring your children to the studio then please make sureyou have someone with you who is able to look after them.